ingest package


ingest.ingest_record module

ingest.ingest_record.change(self, id, data_type)[source]

create change :param self: :param id: change id :param data_type Change.DataType object :return: change

ingest.ingest_record.delete_data_node(self, node)[source]

create deleteData with node :param self: :param node NodeMatch object :return: deleteData object

ingest.ingest_record.delete_data_node_property(self, node_property)[source]

create deleteData with node_property :param self: :param node_property DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch object :return: deleteData object

ingest.ingest_record.delete_data_relation(self, relation)[source]

create deleteData with relation :param self: :param relation RelationMatch object :return: deleteData object

ingest.ingest_record.delete_data_relation_property(self, relation_property)[source]

create deleteData with node :param self: :param relation_property RelationPropertyMatch object :return: deleteData object

ingest.ingest_record.generate_records_request(self, records)[source]

Create iterator for record requests.

ingest.ingest_record.identity_property(self, key, value)[source]

create identity property :param self: :param key: :param value: :return: IdentityProperty object

ingest.ingest_record.ingest_property(self, key, value)[source]

create Property object :param self: :param key: :param value: :return: Property object

ingest.ingest_record.ingest_record_delete(self, id, delete)[source]

IngestRecord delete :param self: :param id: record id :param delete: DeleteData object (node, relation, node_property or relation_property) :return: record_error

ingest.ingest_record.ingest_record_upsert(self, id, upsert)[source]

data ingestion :param self: :param id: id record for client ref :param upsert: UpsertData object :return: record_error

ingest.ingest_record.node_match(self, external_id, type='')[source]

create NodeMatch object :param self: :param external_id: str :param type: str :return: NodeMatch

ingest.ingest_record.node_property_match(self, match, key='')[source]

create DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch object :param self: :param match: NodeMatch object :param key: str :return: DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch

ingest.ingest_record.record_upsert(self, id, upsert)[source]

create record :param self: :param id: id record for client ref :param upsert: UpsertData object :return: record

ingest.ingest_record.relation_match(self, source_match, target_match, type='')[source]

create RelationMatch object :param self: :param source_match: NodeMatch :param target_match: NodeMatch :param type: :return: RelationMatch

ingest.ingest_record.relation_property_match(self, match, key='')[source]

create DeleteData.RelationPropertyMatch object :param self: :param match: RelationMatch object :param key: str :return: DeleteData.RelationPropertyMatch

ingest.ingest_record.stream_records(self, record)[source]
ingest.ingest_record.upsert_data_node_digital_twin(self, external_id, type, tags=[], -='', identity_properties=[], properties=[])[source]

upsertData with digital twin :param self: :param external_id: id for client ref :param type: :param tags: :param identity_properties: List of IdentityProperty objects max 10 :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: UpsertData object

ingest.ingest_record.upsert_data_node_resource(self, external_id, type, tags=[], properties=[])[source]

upsertData with resource :param self: :param external_id: id for client reference :param type: :param tags: :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: upsertData object

ingest.ingest_record.upsert_data_relation(self, match, properties=[])[source]

create upsertData with relation :param self: :param match: RelationMatch object :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: upsertData object

Module contents

class ingest.IngestClient(local=False)[source]

Bases: object


create deleteData with node :param self: :param node NodeMatch object :return: deleteData object


create deleteData with node_property :param self: :param node_property DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch object :return: deleteData object


create deleteData with relation :param self: :param relation RelationMatch object :return: deleteData object


create deleteData with node :param self: :param relation_property RelationPropertyMatch object :return: deleteData object


Create iterator for record requests.

identity_property(key, value)

create identity property :param self: :param key: :param value: :return: IdentityProperty object

ingest_property(key, value)

create Property object :param self: :param key: :param value: :return: Property object

ingest_record_delete(id, delete)

IngestRecord delete :param self: :param id: record id :param delete: DeleteData object (node, relation, node_property or relation_property) :return: record_error

ingest_record_upsert(id, upsert)

data ingestion :param self: :param id: id record for client ref :param upsert: UpsertData object :return: record_error

node_match(external_id, type='')

create NodeMatch object :param self: :param external_id: str :param type: str :return: NodeMatch

node_property_match(match, key='')

create DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch object :param self: :param match: NodeMatch object :param key: str :return: DeleteData.NodePropertyMatch

record_upsert(id, upsert)

create record :param self: :param id: id record for client ref :param upsert: UpsertData object :return: record

relation_match(source_match, target_match, type='')

create RelationMatch object :param self: :param source_match: NodeMatch :param target_match: NodeMatch :param type: :return: RelationMatch

relation_property_match(match, key='')

create DeleteData.RelationPropertyMatch object :param self: :param match: RelationMatch object :param key: str :return: DeleteData.RelationPropertyMatch

upsert_data_node_digital_twin(external_id, type, tags=[], -='', identity_properties=[], properties=[])

upsertData with digital twin :param self: :param external_id: id for client ref :param type: :param tags: :param identity_properties: List of IdentityProperty objects max 10 :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: UpsertData object

upsert_data_node_resource(external_id, type, tags=[], properties=[])

upsertData with resource :param self: :param external_id: id for client reference :param type: :param tags: :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: upsertData object

upsert_data_relation(match, properties=[])

create upsertData with relation :param self: :param match: RelationMatch object :param properties: List of Property objects max 10 :return: upsertData object